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2019 Legislative Fly-In

From ASCE:

Every spring, ASCE holds its Legislative Fly-In Program in Washington, DC, an intensive two-day program that provides participants with an inside look at the public policy process. At the 2018 event, 210 ASCE members visited over 270 Congressional offices, advocating for aviation, water, and water resources infrastructure as well as urging Members of Congress to draft a comprehensive infrastructure bill. 

The 2019 Legislative Fly-In takes place on March 12-14, 2019 in Washington, D.C. and Arlington, VA. The program includes meetings on The Hill with your Members of Congress or their staff and briefing sessions on key legislation active in Congress and ASCE's legislative priorities.

Participation in the ASCE Legislative Fly-In program requires the completion of an application. Applications will be accepted until November 19, 2018. Complete your application for the 2019 Legislative Fly-In today!

Learn more about Legislative Fly-In at ASCE.



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